Sunday, December 29, 2019

Containment Of The Cold War Essay - 2391 Words

Containment in its simplest form Imagine that New York City just broke out in a massive epidemic, spreading an airborne strand of the deadly virus, Ebola. The first move authorities would make in order to reduce the number of casualties, would most likely be to quarantine the virus and isolate it to a confined area. They would do this, not only so that it doesn’t spread, but also to reduce the overlying fear that is being created by the masses. This is essentially what the U.S. was trying to do with communist ideals during the cold war, they were trying to quarantine the spread of such leftist ideology, and to do so, American leaders often took desperate measures in order to ensure that communism was dissipated and secluded to the Soviet Union. This concept was used throughout history by the American diplomat, George F. Kennan which would be credited as the founder of containment. This foreign policy would be used throughout the entirety of the cold war, but one of the most prominent examples of containment was in the 1960’s where both President Eisenhower and President Kennedy tangoed with Soviet Premier, Nikita Khrushchev. Although on two separate grounds both presidents faced Cuban resistance. Eisenhower had to face the young charismatic Fidel at his finest, and faced the threat of letting Cuba establish a communist regime. Meanwhile, President Kennedy was presented with two major disasters, the bay of pigs invasion, and the Cuban missile crisis. Eisenhower and theShow MoreRelatedThe Containment Of The Cold War880 Words   |  4 PagesJuly 2016 ESSAY 5 What was the policy of â€Å"Containment† in the Cold War? How was it used and what were some of its effects both foreign and domestic? In this tense international atmosphere called the â€Å"Cold War,† the US President Harry S. Truman broke with the policy of his predecessor Franklin D. Roosevelt and redefined the outline of the foreign policy of the United States. On 12 March 1947, the US President presented to Congress his doctrine of containment, which aims to provide financial and militaryRead MoreThe Containment Of The Cold War845 Words   |  4 PagesThe Cold War started in 1945 and ended in 1961, during that time major changes were made to U.S. policy abroad, while McCarthyism targeted the Department of State at home. The Containment approach used by President Eisenhower was more effective then President Truman’s approach at containment or at the reconstruction in Europe. Containment was arguably better due to the cost advantages to the United States. Through the use of foreign policy and a system of alliances, America was able to prove it wasRead MoreThe Containment Of Communism And The Cold W ar1343 Words   |  6 PagesDuring World War II, the United States and the Soviets put their political differences aside in their need to defeat their common foe, Germany. However, even during the war against Germany, and later Japan, the political and post-war tensions between the United States and the Soviets were ever underlying and continued to grow. As both sides of the Axis allies continued to gain ground, during their victories in Europe, the questions and positioning for future world domination of political idealsRead MoreContainment Strategies During The Cold War1084 Words   |  5 PagesFebruary 2017 Containment Strategies in the Cold War During the Cold War, communism was spreading.   The three presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy needed a way to stop it from spreading.   All Three turned to the idea of containment.   Ayers, et al. defines containment as a Policy by George F. Kennan, that started in the late 1940’s and was created to stop the spread of communism by providing economic aid, and military aid to countries opposing the Soviets.   All three cold war presidents hadRead MoreCold War Containment Or Hegemony Essay2690 Words   |  11 Pages The question of, â€Å"Was America’s actions during the Cold War containment or hegemony?† cannot be easily answered with a single source or perspective. While some attempt to justify the United States’ actions during the Cold War as necessary to preserving freedom and the American way of life through the containment of the Soviet threat, there are just as many critics on the other side of the debate that have argued that, America used the Cold War as a veil under which it expanded it’s influence andRead MoreThe Cold War Times : A Theory Of Containment1073 Words   |  5 PagesQuestion 1: During cold war times, the US’ had a theory of containment. 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Ho Chi Minh led North Vietnam and it had a communistic government, which was supported byRead More Containment Early Cold war Essay1996 Words   |  8 PagesContainment Early Cold war In the early years of the Cold War, both the Truman and Eisenhower administrations pursued a policy of containment to counter perceived Soviet aggression. Generally, the presidential administrations pursued this policy to maintain stability in the international arena, to maintain a balance of power, and also in a sense, to express disapproval of totalitarian, non-democratic regimes. Containment was expressed through a variety of policies and institutions: economic, politicalRead MoreUnited States Containment Policy During the Cold War1003 Words   |  5 PagesDuring the Cold War, Americas basic policy was that of containment of the Soviet Union. The policy of containment was based upon several principles. First, the Soviet Union wanted to spread socialism to all areas of the world. However, it was felt that the leadership of the Soviet Union felt no particular rush to accomplish their goal. The Kremlin is under no ideological compulsion to accomplish its purposes in a hurry. Li ke the Church, it is dealing in ideological concepts which are ofRead MoreContainment: Cold War and George C. Marshall Essay960 Words   |  4 Pages1. Explain the US policy of containment abroad. What were the economic, military, and political strategies of enforcing containment? Identify at least three specific programs or institutions in your response. * First laid out by George F. Kennan in 1947, Containment stated that communism needed to be contained and isolated, or it would spread to neighboring countries. This spread would allow the Domino Theory to take hold, meaning that if one country fell to communism, then each surrounding

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Abraham Lincoln And The Civil War - 1095 Words

In 1861 Abraham Lincoln became the sixteen president of the United States. He had the Proclamation of declaring forever to free slaves within the Confederacy in the year 1863. Lincoln directly told the South In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you.... You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it. Lincoln was thinking of using force to defend Federal law and the Union. He asked for states for 75,000 volunteers when Confederate batteries fired on Fort Sumter and forced its surrender. Four slave states remained within the Union and four more slave†¦show more content†¦but that was all. He attain knowledge while working on a farm. On the farm he worked on he was splitting rails for fences, and keeping store at New Salem, Illinois. He rode the circuit of court for a few years, was a captain in the Black Hawk War, and spent eight years in the Illinois legislature. His ambition was a little engine that knew no rest. said his law partner. Lincoln then started his own family, he married Mary Todd. They had four boys, only one of the boys lived to maturity. Lincoln ran against Stephen A. Douglas for Senator in 1858. Debating with Douglas he gained a national reputation had won Abraham the Republican nomination for President in 1860. As President, Abraham built the Republican Party into a strong national organization. Later on he rallied most of the northern Democrats to the Union cause. Finally on January 1, 1863, he the Emancipation Proclamation had declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy. The Civil War involved a huge issue and Lincoln made sure the world wouldn t ever for get that. He stated that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. in dedicating the military cemetery at Gettysburg. In 1864 as Union military triumphs heralded an end to the war Lincoln won re-election. During

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Marketing Plan for the Coolest Coolerâ€Free Samples for Students

Question: Discuss About The Marketing Plan For The Coolest Cooler? Answer: Introducation: The coolest cooler is a cooler with integration of several features which makes it ultimate product in terms of innovation. The features distinguish it from the others due to its ice- crushing blender, water resistant Bluetooth supporting speakers, USB charging ports for mobile charging, led lights, bottle opener with magnetic cap catch, plates, knife, cutting board and locking tie downs, and beach tires (Beck, 2016). It is empowered with lithium ion battery which provides long back up. Coolest cooler is awarded for one of the best invention of 2014 by Times Magazine, worlds largest circulation weekly magazine. Market and Product Overview Coolest cooler is a complete solution for party lover. The main product feature is to provide consumers with insulated products to keep food and drinks cool. There are several competitors present and involved in this industry. They are Coleman, Igloo, Rubbermaid, Thermos and Yeti. The main focus behind the product development is to create durable, portable, high quality and appropriate daily use product. Coolest cooler has successfully transformed the everyday cooler in to a luxury item (OCallaghan, 2014). Four options exist to fulfill consumer needs: Classic Coolest, Coolest Blue Moon, Coolest Sangria, Coolest Dark and Stormy. Price for all the different models is $399 with free shipping in USA continent Objectives To provide a quality product with value added features that may create sense of additional comfort for the price paid by customer. Regular innovation with best quality product to ensure durability, comfort and design. To cater young generation and provide useful solutions to make customers worry free. The below SWOT analysis will focus on strength and weaknesses and help forming marketing plan for the possible threats and opportunities present for Coolest cooler. Strength The core strength of Coolest is it has incorporated new life to an aging industry. It has defeated its competitors on several features such as Bluetooth wireless speakers, the USB charger, LED light, blender etc. to stand far ahead from its competitors. Users will not worry to take mobile chargers, bottle openers, and most important worry when going for outing is the music, so it can be said that coolest cooler is complete picnic solution for the party people. One more feature is accessory deck to put things such as wallet, mobile (Waniata, 2014). Weakness The targeted area of coolest cooler is very limited population. The tendency of customers is to compare prices so customer may reject Coolest on basis of price. This is not a reasonable deal for the persons who only occasionally enjoy outdoor activities. Quick production and supply in the specified time is a big challenge. There are several delays in product delivery. Ice coolers are made to target middle income families; it is too expensive to afford which discourages potential buyers. Opportunities In the current scenario there is a need for value added features, so the Coolest cooler provides opportunity to teenagers and young adults, sports persons and many others to enjoy. Its durable beach tires, LED light, extra space for plates and utensils targets the families to enjoy even more than past. Shortly coolest cooler will be available at local supermarket or Walmart, so the prospective buyers no need to wait for this product to order and then wait for it to be delivered. Threats The biggest threat the company may face is the durability, as there are several features inculcated in this product so it is important to maintain quality of the product. Second major issue is short supply they are not able to deliver the product in the specified time taken from the customers. It may also happen that the competitor may introduce same type of product in cheap prices. To lower down the price and quick supply are also big challenges for coolest cooler. Some of its international competitors Pelican, Grizzly, Yeti and Igloo are popular than Coolest cooler (vanWijngaarden, et al., 2012). PEST Analysis: Political Factors: Government regulations regarding the taxes on import and export of products will affect the price of coolest cooler. The production of coolest cooler is currently taking place at China so there will be complexity of shipping and logistics cost. Due to increase in taxes or transport cost the price will be hiked and in case or relaxation vice-versa. Tourism in country also affects the demand o coolest cooler unto certain extent (Ho, 2014). Economical Factors: There are several economical factors that affect the demand of coolest cooler such as the interest rate, household income of families. Higher the income, the spending is more and lower the interest rate the firm can produce more and the customer will purchase through bank finance. On the other side if the income is less than the demand will sink. Sociocultural Factor: The demand of coolest cooler also depends on lifestyle, society and sometimes education. If the population is having better lifestyle, than they will attract more towards life ease gadgets. Similarly education and society brings new and advanced thinking which adds benefits for the company (Ho, 2014). Technological Factor: There are two aspects of technology on is for product and other is for promotion of product. The promotion of coolest cooler is already made it popular and the inculcation of several features like Bluetooth wireless speakers and LED light are showing good technological involvement. Marketing Strategy Coolest cooler have already marketed by Kickstarter and they are producing a product with integration of 9 special features in addition to ice cooler. This is an extraordinary product in the ice cooler industry. The customers are well educated now days and are aware of the benefits of different products available in market. They compare features, price and the quality on several measures (Enis and Murphy, 2011). So there is surely neck to neck competition in ice cooler industry. There are several companies present in the USA market and several other multi-national players, but Coolest cooler is far ahead from them in terms of features and benefits. Product Coolest cooler is ice cooler used to take beverages and food cool for a period of 4-5 days. It is the basic feature of every cooler but the added features present in coolest cooler are wide wheels, rope to tie and carry clothes or other useful items on the cooler, water proof wireless Bluetooth speakers, USB charging ports for mobile charging, separate box (Accessory deck) to put important documents and gadgets, LED light to see in dark, other features like bottle opener, space for plates and sharp knife and corkscrew (Alois, 2014). 20% of the budget will be spent on how to increase production and maintain quality of cooler. Price Price of a product is key deciding factor for purchase or rejection of a product. Coolest cooler is no doubt wonderful product but the price is still a matter of concern. Although coolest cooler is having lots of orders to deliver still there is huge competition in near future. There are several local companies which are selling ice coolers at just $50 and the prices of branded coolers are ranging between $165- $250 and the rate of coolest cooler is $399 (Dent, 2016). No doubt it is providing a better product but still the price difference of around $150 is a matter of concern for coolest cooler (Allender and Richards, 2012). The other factor of concern is to control taxes and transportation expense from China to USA. 25% of the budget will be assigned to the pricing strategy, while 55% will be placed towards promotion. Place The production and the selling place for the coolest cooler are different. And the channels of distribution for coolers are still not well developed. So the major challenge for the company is to clear the backlog and then make proper supply chain channels for timely delivery of the product. Soon the company is planning to sell the coolers with online selling giants such as Amazon and Campsaver. And the company is planning to make it available at supermarkets Wal-mart, Costco, Kroger etc. which provide it approachable to customers. Promotion 75% of the budget will be aimed at promoting the Coolest cooler. Promotion is a very important tool in product recognition. As coolest cooler is new company so major part is spent in creating brand image so that the brand is known to everyone. With the change in time there are various new promotional methods introduces in market. Social Networking sites and Application development: Facebook, twitter, Google+, Youtube and Instagram are very good platform to promote products. Coolest cooler has already introduced on Facebook and the other networking sites are registering soon. Application can be designed which is having information about the new product launch, features, and details of new picnic places to make product popular (Hanna et al., 2011). Search engine advertising or optimization: there are several marketers who promotes the products by improving the online search with the help of key words example for coolest cooler they use words such as cool, ice cool, super cool, and many more the user searching for such words find our product in the searches. Telivision and radio marketing hits directly to the mind of customers. Some other ways are publication in travel magazines, advertisement in local newspaper, E-mail to specific purchased data of party people and text message to same group of persons (Alois, 2014). The above mentioned methods will help reaching the coolest cooler to all the population of USA. Within a short span of time, and will definitely help in brand recognition and increase in sales. Budget and Control The total budget for the marketing plan is $ 1,20,000. 25% of the budget will be placed towards the pricing strategy while the 55% o the budget will be assigned for promotion of Coolest cooler and rest 20% will be spent on research about increase production and quality of product. Conclusion The marketing plan for Coolest cooler will definitely impact on the consumers and helps increasing brand image. But still there are lots of consumers who paid advances for the ice coolers but still after a period of one year they are not delivered the ice coolers. Except this the product is popular in youngsters and party loving peoples. Its several unique features attracted lots of customers and this is the reason that there are lots of advance orders with the company. The price of the Coolest cooler is also a matter of concern for the company but the features provided will compensate the extra price paid by the customer. Social media marketing and lots of coverage in press and newspapers have already created the brand image of the coolest cooler in USA. If the production and supply of the product fills the gap of the demanded coolers than the marketing plan will be successful within the given time as the market is having huge capacity to purchase such product. Reference: Allender, W. J., and Richards, T. J. (2012) Brand loyalty and price promotion strategies: an empirical analysis.Journal of Retailing,88(3), pp. 323-342. Alois, J.D. (2014) Coolest Cooler Kickstarter Re-Do Delivers Incredible Crowdfunding Success. Available at: (Accessed: 5 May 2017) Beck, K. (2016) The saga of the Coolest Cooler: How a Kickstarter campaign goes south. Available at: (Accessed: 4 May 2017). Dent, S. (2016) Coolest Cooler Asks Backers for More Money. Available at: (Accessed: 5 May 2017) Enis, B. M., and Murphy, P. E. (2011)Marketing Strategy Implementation. USA: Marketing Classics Press. Hanna, R., Rohm, A., and Crittenden, V. L. (2011) Were all connected: The power of the social media ecosystem.Business horizons,54(3), pp. 265-273. Ho, J. K. K. (2014) Formulation of a systemic PEST analysis for strategic analysis.European academic research,2(5), pp. 6478-6492. OCallaghan, J. (2014) The coolest cooler ever: Ice box contains all the ingredients for a party - including a fridge, a USB charger and even speakers Available at: (Accessed: 5 May 2017) van Wijngaarden, J. D., Scholten, G. R., and van Wijk, K. P. (2012) Strategic analysis for health care organizations: the suitability of the SWOT?analysis.The International journal of health planning and management,27(1), pp. 34-49. Waniata, R. (2014) THE HOTTEST COOLER ON THE PLANET: COOLEST COOLER TAKES TOP SPOT ON KICKSTARTER. Available at: (Accessed: 5 May 2017). Marketing Plan for the Coolest Cooler–Free Samples for Students Question: Discuss About the Marketing Plan for Coolest Cooler? Answer: Introduction Coolest cooler was started by Ryan Grepper in the July of 2015. It is an American company which was started in Portland. The coolest cooler is a portable patty disguised as a cooler, bringing blended drinks, music and fun to any outdoor occasion. According to their website around 62,642 people have pledged an amount of $13,285,226 to help kick-start the project. Their main aim was to invent a cooler which would suit the needs of the 21st century man. It has a Bluetooth speaker system which is waterproof, a built-in USB charging port and also a blender to crush ice. The blender has an 18v battery which is also rechargeable. It also comes with an LED light, bottle opener and also cutting boards, storage for plates and knives. It has been listed as one of the best inventions of 2014 by the Time Magazine. It has also been referred to as the most contributed to and funded campaign of Kickstarter in 2014. They had started out through the very popular and modern method of crowd funding (Gie rczak et al. 2015). This is also why some people do not trust this company totally (Ho, 2014). Situational Analysis Hartsville is one of the smallest cities in America. As of 2017 it has a population of around 5,000 approximately (Kaur, 2016). It is one of the smallest cities in America in terms of size and population. It was founded by an early settler by the name of James Hart. It is a district municipality as well, despite being a mix of city and country governed by the government. It is a very peaceful town as well. The coolest cooler company has decided to expand their bases in Tennessee after they opened shop in Hartsville (Wiid and Diggines, 2010). PESTLE Analysis Political Factors The Coolest cooler operates in certain parts of America. Hence they have to operate keeping in mind the political factors of the different states of America. These political factors include the tax rates, current economic conditions, legislative acts and so on. The Coolest cooler has managed to create jobs for the small population of Portland. Now it aims to create more employment opportunities in the area of Hartsville. It has given jobs to nearly 0.5 percent of the population in this very small city. This has increased the demand for their own products in Hartsville and also managed to diversify their workforce (Michaelidou et al. 2011). The coolest cooler is a very understanding company when it comes to providing jobs to people of all ages. Since it is both a student town and retired peoples town, they offer job opportunities which are both flexible, locally based and also require fewer skills. They do not use outsourced raw materials. Instead they purchase them locally. They have also come to employ a large number of students, people with disabilities and also elderly retired people. This has worked out in the advantage of both the citys and theirs. They have gained a huge base of loyal and desirable employees. The city in turn has found a good place from which they generate revenue and also a goldmine of jobs (Stelzner, 2011). They have repeatedly said in the past that they do not affiliate to or associate with any political parties. But that is not true in the case of Hartsville. The Coolest cooler there has tied up with the local political party in order to get tax cuts and compensations. They have done this to increase their own sales in this tiny city. Tax rates play an important role. An increase in the VAT will lead to a fall in sales and vice versa. Hence they are co-dependent (Gordon, 2012). Economic Factors GDP is calculated by taking into account the total economic activity affects the rise in prices, fall in them and inflation. The research carried out by the above mentioned analytic and accounting firm has revealed that the GDP for Hartsville has been static in the last few years. Since The Coolest cooler is a consumer dependent and consumer based company, it is hardly a positive sign (Huang and Sarigll, 2014). Economic factors are the most important factors for the Coolest coolers business. The costs, demands, profits and prices are the ones that will be affected. The company needs to be aware of change in any policy in the economy. It needs to function keeping in mind the economic factors of both their home country and the city in which they are operating. Although the Coolest cooler has expanded in more than one city and is operating very well at that, they are still dependent on the USA market. In Portland and Hartsville they have a total market share of nearly 30 percent. However the Coolest cooler has followed both nationalisation and diversification. They have easily adjusted in the economy of Tennessees Hartsville. Their policies of diversification and nationalisation have led them to achieve success. It is true that they cannot control the economic factors which affect them externally. But they can do their best to outperform them from affecting them negatively. However with the opening of the Coolest cooler in Hartsville it has led to an increase in the disposable income of the people there (Harrison, 2013). Social Factors The recent trends in the American market show that the customers prefer the shops which sell everything under one roof. With a shift in the demographic in the city, to an aging and more female oriented population, people have started liking products which are value added. People have become more aware of what they are consuming. Hence this has made the Coolest cooler make products which will satisfy the needs of the consumers. They have changed and adapted to the altering demands of the population of Hartsville. They make locally sourced goods and also out of natural ingredients. As people are becoming more and more aware of the health and environmental hazards involve, the Coolest cooler is changing their manufacturing processes to produce environmentally safer and better versions of what they are selling. People everywhere have also become more used to buying in bulk. This has become advantageous to the Coolest coolers business and has helped them grow (Morabito, 2015). Technological Factors The Coolest cooler has been able to bring about an improvement in their own technology. They have adapted to the changing technologies of the world. Firstly they have started providing online shopping opportunities to their customers with the option of also home delivery. Secondly they started self-checkouts at their varied locations in Portland, although the latter is yet to come to the Coolest cooler at Hartsville. This is because it is a small city which prefers human interaction. Although it would have reduced the labour costs for the company, they prefer it this way and they believe small cities do not need self-service. They have been also providing internet facilities. It had been a long term goal of the Coolest coolers to reduce their carbon footprint. Hence after much research they have developed energy saving production technologies which will help the Coolest cooler to reduce the harm that is brought about to the environment. In fact at Hartsville they have reduced their w aste production locally over the last 5 years. They have also managed to encourage local businesses to do the same (Cadle, 2010). Legislative Factors The Coolest coolers performance has been affected and impacted both positively and negatively by various government rules and regulations which fall under the legislative purview. For example they use self-recharging batteries of 18v which are less harmful to normal batteries. To help facilitate these policies effectively, the Coolest cooler provides customers with a various facilities in one product itself. The Coolest cooler performs their activities following the rules and regulations of whichever city they operate in. All of this they do keeping in mind their own rules and regulations and their own pre-decided morals. Environmental Factors In the year 2003 there was immense pressure on companies to do their bit for the environment. The Coolest cooler was one of the first companies to take their corporate social responsibilities seriously as soon as they launched in 2014. They have aimed to reduce their carbon footprint on earth by 50 percent by the year 2020. They seem to walking in the right direction because their policies have been effective in reducing their waste production (Keller et al. 2011). They also have policies in place which aim to minimise environmental damage, lessen non-renewable resource consumption, wastage and other. They have also tried to spread awareness among their customers. They only use paper bags, goods and services made from resources which will not exhaust and so many others. They are doing their bit to save the environment (Yksel, 2012). SWOT Analysis Strengths They have an advantage over the market share in Hartsville. Being the only cooler company, they occupy more than 75 percent of the market share there. In fact they have even bought the smaller air conditioner businesses to reduce their own competition. They have expanded in not only Hartsville but are trying to expand in the other cities of Tennessee. This has led to immense growths. Since they have a large market share in Hartsville they also have large revenue and profit earnings. This has increased their capital and investment opportunities. They have grown from strength to strength in the last 3 years or so in Hartsville. They have managed to set up a plant there as well which has made it easier for them to produce locally. The Coolest cooler Personal Finance has proved to be effective and helpful for the common folks of Hartsville. Their club card and life insurance policies have gained momentum heavily. They have been able to leap farther ahead of the already existing businesses as well. Since they deliver their products at home, it has helped them gain popularity with the locals. Their online shopping opportunities also give people greater satisfaction (Helms and Nixon, 2010). The Coolest cooler as a brand has gained regional recognition and soon aim to gain national importance. This makes it easier for The Coolest cooler to sell their products in certain parts of America. People have trust in them and their quality products. It has helped them to gain a strong foothold in the Hartsville market as well as they have carved a niche for themselves. Weaknesses They are a small company with very less resources. There are a lot of cooler companies functioning both globally and nationally. They are providing a cooler at a higher price when compared to the other companies manufacturing coolers. Their justification is that they are providing additional services and goods with the cooler. However the question here arises why people would want to buy a cooler with additional facilities at a higher price than the current market rate when they do not even want the extra goods that they come with. A portion of what they earn from Hartsville has to be given back to the society as well. They have not been able to reduce their debts yet. They have a huge capital expenditure budget and this is because they invest heavily. They have very less free cash flow since they are trying to expand into other cities as well. They also have less supply and hence are unable to meet the demand. Their lager expansion base has not proved to be fruitful. People are still in doubt about the legitimacy of their products since they are a very new company. They need to focus on improving their brand value as well. Opportunities They can further expand into the other cities of America. However they can first start with the cities of the state of Tennessee. They should start concentrating on improving their brand value and work towards building the customers trust in them. People will only buy their products if they trust them. Since they are the only cooler in Hartsville they can exercise monopoly and wipe out all air conditioning and cooler companys competition by either buying them or absorbing them into the business (Issa et al. 2010). Threats Since they believe in buying out the competition, it can make the locals of Hartsville angry and dissatisfied and boycott the Coolest cooler. It is becoming increasingly difficult for The Coolest cooler to source its products naturally and produce. It is making their production process much costlier. They are not being able successful in convincing their customers to buy it from them. Seeing the success of The Coolest cooler, other cooler and air conditioning companies can enter the Hartsville market (Lodish et al. 2015). From the above swot and pestle analysis it is clear that although the Coolest cooler is doing well in the Hartsville market it is definitely facing certain problems. The major problem is the small population and lack of adequate number of visitors. Students are always on a budget and the businessmen do not spend more than a day or two at a time in the city (Freedman and Nutting, 2015). Target Market Mainly businessmen and the students come to Hartsville. This forms nearly 7 million of Americas population. This is a huge number. It includes people in the age range of both 18 to 25 and above 35 to 60. This number is much larger than the population of Hartsville itself (Peter and Donnelly, 2011). My marketing plan for the Coolest cooler will target this group of customers. I believe this will lead to the Coolest coolers maximum growth in Hartsville. This is because both these groups of people will like to take in both the local delicacies, and other touristy sights the town has to offer. Thus with my marketing plan I plan to achieve the trend to include them in my overnight visiting market. The Coolest cooler is the largest and only store in Hartsville housing air conditioning (the rival companies) and coolers. It will satisfy the needs of the locals, new students, tourists and businessmen all under one roof in the month of summer. That is why it will be easy to increase the sales and eventually the profit of the Coolest cooler in Hartsville by having a proper marketing plan in place. The main aim of The Coolest cooler will be to understand the rest of the market of Tennessee (Westwood, 2016) . Marketing Objectives The following marketing objectives will be adopted in this marketing plan (Hollensen, 2015): To increase their capital investment in the American market To expand to more regions in Tennessee To be able to open smaller branches or franchises in the remote parts of Hartsville To explore opportunities to reduce their pricing strategy Undertake an extensive advertising campaign for the city of Hartsville so that people and tourists are attracted to come there and hence shop at the Coolest cooler shop and also buy from the online website To donate more to the local charities To increase the sales and profit scenario To introduce the self-checkout counters as an experiment first. If it is successful then make it a permanent feature. This will reduce their labour cost (Solomon, 2014) Marketing Mix Strategy Product- the Coolest cooler can start selling products which will not produce much waste. This is because it is one of their major aims to reduce their carbon footprints on the earth by 2020 by at least 50 percent. They can start producing eco-friendly goods as well. They can start adding new features to their cooler. For example they can install a mini fridge like structure which can hold food as well. They can introduce more interesting colours as well. On the other hand The Coolest cooler gets to expand into a new field (Hui, 2015). Place- the place has to be chosen very carefully. It has to be at a central location, preferably the town square. This will attract the maximum number of people and also boost their sales (Armelini and Villanueva, 2011). Price- their target market consists of poor students on a budget. The town of Hartsville consists of mainly old people. The income of the people is approximately $38,850 on an average a year. Hence The Coolest cooler has to decide prices of the products keeping in mind the income of the people. They have to make their products affordable and yet of good quality, all the while earning profits themselves. Hence the Coolest cooler must carry out a market research before adding new features to the cooler. They also need to keep aside a budget to make sure that their extra features can easily be done (Keller and Thackeray, 2011). Promotion- a separate budget will be created to make the people aware about the new additions. For this purpose they will distribute pamphlets, leaflets and also set up billboards in the city. YouTube advertisements can also be taken out to make sure that people in Tennessee and in other parts of America become aware. The Coolest cooler can then make announcements on radio and television as well. Since The Coolest cooler has a good relation with KIIS FM they can tie up with them and start the promotion easily. In return they can get a few free coolers for their offices (Peter and Donnelly, 2011) Conclusion In conclusion it can be said that despite having several difficulties it can be said that the Coolest cooler will be successful in adding new features to their cooler. It can also be said that they will flourish in Hartsville and also be able to capture a large portion of the Tennessee market. It is a lively town with enthusiastic people and enough resources and places to invest. It is a town with ample opportunities and various avenues which still havent been explored. The Coolest cooler can grab these opportunities before anyone else can enter the market and take it from them. The Coolest cooler can hence easily gain success. The marketing plan and budgets and the targets will help them expand with great success and let them thrive in their business. 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